iOS Standard SDK
In a iOS Standard SDK merchant needs to post the intial request to hosted
checkout page where customer will provide card/account details. Once the payment is verified customer is
redirected back to the iOS application
along with the payment result.
The initial request must contain all the required information:
- - authentication credentials
- - type and amount of transaction
- - merchantTransactionId
The mobile standard checkout request has to be sent to our endpoint i.e.
using POST method.
In our API Specifications you can find a full list of parameters that can be sent in the initial request.
1. Post an Initial Payment
Merchant needs to post the intial request to hosted checkout page.
2. Redirect to hosted page
Customer will provide his/her card/account details on hosted checkout page.
3. Return to the iOS application
After payment confirmation, the payment result will be returned as a Object to the iOS app.
Configuration of the StandardCheckoutKit.framework file
Import Library to your project and follow the steps to config the framework:
- - Download the library from here.
- - Unzip the library.
- - Open your project in Xcode and Drag the "StandardCheckoutKit.framework" file from unzipped folder to your project.
- - In target of your project under "Frameworks, Libraries and Embeded Content" click on (+) to add this framework.
- - After adding framework, Change "Do not Embed" to "Embed & Sign".
- - Clean and build the Project.
- - For test environment use hostname as:
- - For live environment use hostname as:
1. Post an Initial Payment
To start the process, merchant has to POST
request to our endpoint
i.e. /transaction/Checkout
Sample Request

2. Redirect to hosted page
The account holder will be redirected to hosted page, where the account holder can fill the card/account details.
3. Return to the iOS application
Once the payment has been processed, the flow will be redirected to the
iOS application
along with the payment result parameters. These parameters will be accessible
via the get methods from the Result class. Please check the
example below.
You can also check the payment confirmation with our Backoffice Inquiry API.
Sample code for reading the response

Payment Modes and Brands
Find below the list of payment modes and brands for standard checkout.
Mode | Brand |