Dynamic QR Checkout API
In Dynamic QR checkout API the payment data are directly sent to the server .That means that the transaction can be processed straight away. In response merchant will get the dynamic QR details.
The initial request must contain all the required information:
- - authentication credentials
- - mode, brand , currency and amount of transaction
- - merchantTransactionId
- - notificationUrl
Dynamic QR checkout API Request has to be sent to our REST endpoint i.e.
using POST method.
In our QR Checkout API Specifications you can find a full list of parameters that can be sent in the initial request.
1. Send an Initial Order Request
Merchant needs to sent the initial request to the QR Checkout API.
2. Verify the Details
Customer wallet will provide payment details to the Verification API.
3. Confirm the transaction status
After verification, customer wallet will have to confirm the status using Confirm Status API .
1. Send an Initial Order Request
Merchant needs to sent the initial request with the below parameters to the QR Checkout API which will return the dynamic QR details .
Sample Request

2. Verify the Details
The wallet owner has to send the order details to the Verify API which will validate and return merchantWalletId .
3. Confirm the transaction status
Once the the details are verified and the payment has been processed, the customer wallet will have to call the API to Confirm the Status and will be redirected to the Confirmation page .
Sample code for reading the response